The most important WORK you will ever do will be done within the walls of your own HOME. -Herold B. Lee

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Macy's First Trip to the ER

So Sunday morning Macy woke up with a fever, so we stayed home from church! I hate to say it, but in a way I was happy she was sick. (I'm terrible.) She cuddled with me all day... I've never gotten that from her. It felt so good for her to lay down with me and let me hold her. That night we put her to bed and her temp was about 102 degrees. A few hours later she woke up and it was 104.5. Ri called his parents and they told us we should bring her to the ER. What fun! So we packed up our poor, sick girl and left. Macy was hilarious. One look at the nurse and she started to cry. He took her temp and she started screaming, and kicking, and threw a big tantrum. She continued that for the rest of the night. When the resident Doc came in she started to scream again and she said, "Oh, I guess that's what the nurse meant when he wrote, 'Careful, feisty girl who doesn't want to be touched. Flipped a 180...'" Yep, that's my sweet little girl!
Anyway, they told us it was a viral infection and she should be over it within three days. The next day I put her in the bath, laid her down on the bed and put her clothes on. She fell asleep on the bed, which NEVER EVER happens. I crawled up next to her and she cuddled with me... so cute!  It's now Wednesday, and she seems to be over it, thank goodness! However, it was kind of nice to have a mellow child for a few days who sat still when I held her! So that's the exciting story of our trip to the ER. :)

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