The most important WORK you will ever do will be done within the walls of your own HOME. -Herold B. Lee

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Potty Training

Macy has decided on her own that she wants to learn to potty train! She is making it very easy for me, which is nice, but I didn't realize the work put into it. She loves to strip herself down and sit on the toilet (whether she needs to go or not) at least ten times a day! That is a lot of dressing and undressing for me! I bought a small "potty" for her and she loves it! The first time she went "#2" she was SO PROUD of herself! She blabbered paragraphs of words (not sure what she was saying) and every few words was "poo poo". She clapped for herself and laughed, and just stared at it for 30 minutes. I know, it's kind of gross, but it was funny.