The most important WORK you will ever do will be done within the walls of your own HOME. -Herold B. Lee

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Welcoming Abby Lynn Clark!

Abby was born on June 14, 2012. She weighed 7 lbs 7 oz and was 20 inches long. (The nurse took away half an inch due to her little cone head she was carrying around!) She is such a pleasant, sweet little girl. It amazes me every time I hold her how my love for her grows! So far she sleeps all day (something Macy did NOT do) and does pretty well at night. She is 9 days old as of today and she's had 2 nights of 5 1/2 hour increments (I had to wake her up to feed her) and then 4 hours. That is AMAZING when I compare her to Macy, who woke up every hour. So I feel very blessed so far!
Macy loves her new little sister, but she is having a rough time adjusting to the new change. I think the phrase "emotional wreck" describes her pretty well. She is so emotional about every little thing... Mom has to do EVERYTHING now. Riley's mom is in town and Macy yells at her and tells her to "GET OUT!" "I don't want you Grandma!" "NO! I want my Mommy!", and the list goes on and on. It's become very frustrating, not to mention sad for Cheryl. I hope soon she will develop a little patience. :) A mom can always dream, right?

Abby had her 4 day appointment with Dr. Borus. She weighs 6 lbs 15 oz and is a healthy little girl! Her umbilical cord fell off yesterday... they told me 3-4 weeks and she's only a week old... should  I be concerned?? I had newborn pictures taken a few days ago, so I'm super excited to see how they turn out! Anyway, that's is for now... labor and delivery story will be the next post??

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