I figured it is time for a quick update! We are all settled in from our trip to Utah and the Dominican Republic. I came home and was showered with love from Riley! I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful, hard working husband! He is always busy studying... I'm excited for the next few months to pass, just to have second year over with!
Macy is busy as ever! We moved her into her toddler bed and she LOVES it! To my surprise, she actually sleeps better in it. There have been several naps though that I have found her doing all kinds of "naughty" things. She has realized that she can move just about anything on the hard-wood floors and climb on top to get what she wants. Her new favorite thing to try to tackle is the hair bow holder! I had to move the chair and ottoman out of the room, because she started moving and crawling on top of them. Next, went the changing table, which she pushed with all her might and moved it to the bows... which of course she took every single one of them down and organized them by colors, size, flowers, and bows. She had a fit when I took them away, she wanted her "pinks" back. Yesterday I caught her standing on top of the diaper genie (yes, that girl can climb) taking all the bows down once again.
She LOVES to take every piece of clothing she owns out of her dresser and organize them by colors, pants, shirts, socks, jammies, and much more. Several times she decided to make a "Macy pile", a "Mak pile", a "Bailey pile", and a "Kelsey pile". She was going to give all her clothes away to her friends, except for everything with pink on it, of course! (She didn't even think to ask me to see if this was ok.) Once during the process she pulled the heavy duty dresser down on herself and gave herself a nice little scratch on her cheek, which could have be MUCH worse. I considered taking the dresser out of her room, but due to lack of space I didn't.
Next, I caught her building a road of diapers and wipes. She lined all of them up around her room and would run all over them like a car. After that nap I found all her babies and stuffed animals in the corner suffering a much-to-long time out. Oh, and I can't forget the many times I have caught her in her closet "hiding".
The other night I heard a metal-like object hit the floor, so I went to investigate. She was at her door (she has to sleep with it open and the bathroom light on, so I put the gate up in the doorway) and she had her set of keys in her hand, trying to escape. She was sticking the key in everyplace that looked good on the gate to try to free herself. And oh, the look... she looked as though she was caught red-handed, doing something terrible. It made me laugh. Would you agree with me that this girl needs a completely EMPTY room, with nothing but a mattress and a blanket.
So the last month has been quite the hassle trying to "baby-proof" everything from her. She loves to move chairs to anywhere in the house to look out windows, climb the kitchen counter to get in the cupboards, the fridge, the sink, and bookshelf. She can open doors now, so I've had to put locks on all of them.
Despite the crazy things this girl decides to do, she can be such a sweetheart. Every night before bed she wants hugs and kisses from both Mom and Dad and says the cutest little prayers. The other night she blessed the doctor (she had a dr appt earlier that day because she's been sick with a cough). "Bless doctor.. help me sick. " I get called "HONEY" close to a thousand times a day. (Not exaggerating!) Every sentence start or ends in, "Ok, honey." She loves her horsie rides and has become quite the little artist.
She has learned to draw people. Every time she draws a circle (for the head) and a line coming out of it (for the body). It's so so cute! She learned that her last name is Clark. Macy Clark! Daddy Riley Clark! And Mommy Kolt Clark! And Baby Clark. She knows that she is 2 years old. Unfortunately, everything is two. "One, two, two, two, two." Anything three or higher doesn't exist. I think she has a hard time concentrating on things when it comes to learning... daughter like father, I guess. She knows all her colors for the most part. Oh, and she LOVES to dance. She is a pretty dancing princess that loves her phone, pink, dresses, crown, Mickey Mouse, and Finding Nemo. She showers her babies with kisses, tucks them in tight for bed, and disciplines them quite well between time-outs and throwing them down the stairs.
I realize this is a lot, but that's what I get when I don't write for awhile and decide I should remember some of these cute moments with Macy. We are so blessed to have the little stinker and are excited for another one just like her! Riley finally told me that he is 80% convinced her name is Kamryn. I am still working on the other 20%. I am 24 weeks today and I feel like I should be 32 weeks! This pregnancy is definitely harder on my body! I broke down the other day and went and bought some maternity pants... yipee!
Quick girl jumped in the dryer...
Then she thought it was time for her baby and stroller to go in.
I love this moment! She fell asleep by me on the couch watching Tinkerbell. (After she fell off a chair and got a fat lip.)
Daddy's little girl.
Organizing the silverware.
Climbing on top of things...
I love them!!
Did I mention how she got a hold of baby powder and this is what happened... there was much more than just this. Watch out baby Kamryn!
On another note, I'm looking forward to spring break! We are planning to make a trip to New York City, Palmyra, and Niagra Falls. Hopefully, I'll have it in me to write before then!